Beth Kotz: Love and Chaos- Summer 2024

A series of handprinted works exploring double vision and second chances.
Opening June 7 at 6pm. 3200 West Carroll 305C.

I strive to make something visual from an unseen emotive sense. Focusing primarily on portraiture, I explore how the body and face serve as points of access for metaphors relating to the human experience. My current body of work draws heavily on my experiences as a woman working and pursuing art simultaneously, observing the world from a perspective conditioned by patriarchal norms. I recently made a series of images that utilize cinematic snapshots, “memories” as a background for double-exposed portraits. These photos portray the sense of anxiety caused by being unable to express what is contained within, and the anger of living in a world that is unwilling to listen to women when they speak about their personal experiences. The intense gaze behind my model’s eyes suggests a power held back, a power transmuted into rage. The photograph’s silence becomes its voice.